
It looks great but can you sell with it?

It looks great but can you sell with it?

A great looking brochure, app, or presentation can be impactful. But can your sales reps sell with it? That is the question. Will they be successful using your messaging and your tool?Marketing without a well-informed strategy is scattershot. It’s like you grabbing a...

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Do You Fulfill Your Brand Promises?

Do You Fulfill Your Brand Promises?

Do You Fulfill Your Brand Promises?   We’ve all experienced disappointment when something we’ve been anticipating turns out to be different than reality. The vacation spot listing showed spectacular views, but upon arrival, it was obscured by a renovation. Or...

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Small Businesses Versus The Big Guys

Small Businesses Versus The Big Guys

Small businesses make up most businesses in the US. 98% of companies have less than 100 employees, and 89% of businesses have less than 20 employees*.  All businesses need sales and marketing. Some are competing against the deep-pocketed competition – the other 2% of...

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A Style Guide Is An Essential Document

A Style Guide Is An Essential Document

A brand style guide is a comprehensive set of standards that defines your company's brand identity. It references grammar, tone, logo usage, colors, visuals, word usage, and more. These dos and don’ts are important, as employees and vendors use your logo or tagline on...

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Change is the Only Constant in Business

Change is the Only Constant in Business

Everyone is hyperaware of change. What is the next trend? What has our competition learned to do that we have not? What are customers' changing expectations etc.?We work with many consultants—their job is to help businesses change. Change a process, a habit, a way of...

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Neglect Your Brand’s Weakest Link at Your Peril

Neglect Your Brand’s Weakest Link at Your Peril

Building a brand takes time and work. You need to understand many factors, such as your value proposition, audience, industry, competitors, etc. However, as much as these brand factors are discussed, dissected, and debated, one vital audience often gets forgotten—...

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What Is The Value Of Your Mission Statement?

What Is The Value Of Your Mission Statement?

A couple years ago I attended a “Chicago Tech on the Horizon” panel event at MATTER, in the Merchandise Mart. One question asked was, “what’s the difference between Millennials and Gen Z employees?” The panel all agreed in saying that Gen Z is very mission driven. In...

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